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Differences between Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Differences between Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

They might seem similar, but they are actually quite different.


Today we are going to learn the main differences between these technologies that belong to the realm of Extended Reality (commonly referred to as XR in English).


• Virtual Reality: it is the technology that allows us to place ourselves in a virtual environment. For this, we need glasses (HMD) that allow us complete immersion and interaction with the virtual environment. 



• Augmented Reality: is the technology that allows virtual elements to be placed on an image or on the ground. This gives us access to virtual information in our environment through a mobile device or glasses that allow us to see the real and virtual world at the same time. 



• Mixed Reality: it is the technology that combines the real world with the virtual one by recognizing the environment through a headset. Mixed Reality allows you to see the virtual elements perfectly integrated into your environment and allows you to interact with these elements. A good example of Mixed Reality would be seeing 3D instructions placed on machinery.