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IMPULSE PROJECT: Review of deliverables and technical advances

IMPULSE PROJECT: Review of deliverables and technical advances

Progress continues within the Impulso project in which ARSOFT is working on the digitization of different machining processes of a part to provide support to the operator who needs it through Mixed Reality technologies.

On May 11, a new control meeting took place, where two of the deliverables were reviewed: the final report on the test matrix, carried out based on the parameters that influence the machining process and that affect the tool court; and the final report on the fatigue analysis carried out on the tool under tension loads.

Within the first report, all the parameters referring to the machining simulation have been evaluated and defined, which will allow knowing, before the simulation, all the study parameters and their influence on the part and supports. In a second phase of the deliverable, the simulation carried out in relation to the part that comes from an additive manufacturing process has been studied. The objective of machining this piece is to achieve a thinner thickness in some areas thanks to trochoidal milling, complying with the standardized and required thicknesses, to conclude that the machining process carried out in an anticlockwise direction generates good results on the piece in terms of stresses and displacements.

In the second report, after analyzing the simulations, it has been possible to verify that fatigue will not generate failures and breakages in the tool and that, therefore, failures will occur due to tool wear until its material has been weakened and lost its initial properties and must be replaced by a new cutting tool.

Thanks to projects such as IMPULSO financed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain, the European Union, the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the Innovative Business Associations Cluster, at ARSOFT we continue to innovate, continue to improve and continue to validate our solutions with large companies such as Sevilla Control, Cubicoff, the Andalucia Aerospace business cluster and the Innovative Cybersecurity and Advanced Technologies Business Group.

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