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New R&D Project to apply XR technologies for Automotive Sector- PTAS

New R&D Project to apply XR technologies for Automotive Sector- PTAS

Once the CDTI call for the PTAS (Sustainable Automotive Technological Program) has been resolved, the project in which ARSOFT participates has obtained the best score, with a total budget of €6,705,248.

Our project is entitled the following description: "Research and development of solutions based on biomimetics for the generation of flexible production environments adapted to the manufacture of small series with uncertain volumes of electric, plug-in hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles". For short, this project receives the acronym of HORMIGOBOTS.

The objective of this project is to research and develop new intelligent and flexible production environments for the manufacture of components and systems for electric vehicles, through the use of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and collaborative ones that mimic the social behavior of ants, Virtual and Augmented Reality for decentralization in factory management, continuous monitoring based on Artificial Vision to improve safety, efficiency and quality (and, therefore, sustainability) of production environments.

This project is addressed with funding from the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), and the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation financed with the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

ARSOFT participates in this project by contributing our experience in the implementation of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies in the Industry, and more specifically in the automotive sector.

How exactly do we contribute from ARSOFT?

Firstly, manufacturing new components for the electric vehicle means that operators must be trained in the new processes. Arsoft will provide a platform integrated with the operations of the partners that will allow them to easily create Virtual Reality simulators for these processes. In addition, the Arsoft team will support its digitization.

Once the operators have been trained, they will need to be supported at certain times. This support is no longer carried out by consulting a printed instruction manual, or a PDF, or a video... Arsoft will provide Mixed Reality systems with content created following the Arsoft philosophy: easy creation, fast creation and sustainable investment. This support content, as in the case of training content, will be created with an authoring platform that will be integrated with the needs of the project partners.

In addition, if there are no support resources to solve an incident, we provide an Augmented Reality platform that allows the technician to contact an expert who provides indications that he can see with Augmented Reality in his environment. And also with an advantage over similar systems: you can include instructions in three dimensions and place these elements on the operator's environment.

And when the operator is trained, and also has different support systems to carry out maintenance and solve incidents, another need arises: activity monitoring. Here, Arsoft provides, all from the same platform, IIoT data viewers with Mixed Reality. In this way, a plant manager can look at a manufacturing line and see all the production data in real time. And if he is not physically in the factory, he can always walk inside it from a Virtual Reality environment from anywhere, seeing the operating data in real time.

This project comes after 6 years developing our EyeFlow platform for the quick and easy creation of advanced training and maintenance content, taking advantage of XR technologies: Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality.

It is thanks to this platform that ARSOFT is growing and tackling new projects and exciting challenges.

Our goal?

Democratize the use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the industry with EyeFlow.

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