We have the most advanced products for different sectors and we develop custom applications using our know how for Medicine, Industry 4.0, Education, Virtual Tours and Tourism.
In recent years, ARSOFT’s commitment to innovation in advanced Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality systems, as well as the expertise of our technical team have led us to win different national and international awards and recognitions.
EyeFlow - Industrial process simulator for VR and AR.
EyeFlow - Industrial process simulator for VR and AR AR REMOTE ASSISTANCE - Remote assistance service in AR.
AR REMOTE ASSITANCE - Remote assistance service with AR
AR Remote Assistance is a system designed specifically to resolve incidents remotely. Its various features enable companies to reduce travel and avoid unnecessary shutdowns.
AR REMOTE ASSITANCE - Remote assistance service in AR
LaiaXR - VR anatomical structure viewer View medical images with VR and AR.
LaiaXR - VR anatomical structure viewer
GPS - AR indoor guide system Wayfinding with AR
GPSin uses Augmented Reality to show the user differentiated, innovative guided instructions about their environment. With AR users can view an assistant that will guide them inside hospitals, underground stations, airports, large buildings, etc.
GPS - AR indoor guide system